Thursday, April 28, 2016

Soccer Mom, Soccer Wife, Soccer Life

It's spring time and in our house it seems like we are eating and breathing soccer! Spring time is usually crazy with my husband being a public school teacher. The end of the school year is nuts and just plain busy! Our homeschool continues throughout the summer which is good because there is no ending the school year. At this point most schools are trying to finish up the year. It seems like the kids are extra energetic and super excited looking forward to summer and fun.
This year my big kids are playing soccer they are playing on the Pre-K Kindergarten team. This is Eli's third year since he started in preschool. He truly seems to love this sport more than the rest and his understanding of the sport is continuing to grow. This is Bella's very first year and she is very excited to play with her brother. She is fortunate to play with her little BFF Ninon. They think it is fantastic being on the same team!
Image result for brian boltz soccer keokuk high school 1990
These kiddos are super lucky not only is Ninon's dad their volunteer coach from Europe (who actually knows about soccer) but their daddy caught the soccer fever in the late 90's when soccer was not prominent here in our area.  He played through high school and achieved a scholarship to college. These kids have access to a countless knowledge of the game. Which leads me to the second half of today's title he is now a coach for his home team. The team he played for in high school many years ago.
Not only do my two children have practice once a week and a game every weekend but Daddy's high school team practices every day and there are at least 2 games a week. We are fortunate this year that we have multiple home games, which the kids and I always go to. We love it! We love all things soccer and purple in this house! We wouldn't trade it for anything but if you're making plans or trying to contact me try back in the summer. ;-)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Homeschool Thing

If you've read any previous posts on my blog you know that I homeschool my children. I'm not a self righteous homeschooler who assumes that I am better than the average private and public school family. I believe that one method does not work for all and I do not judge anyones choices so please don't judge mine.

I made this incredible discovery a few months ago that changed homeschool forever in our household. I found a website (Easy Peasy) and the best thing, it's free. No I didn't stutter it's free! Free curriculum is huge, homeschool materials can cost up to $1000 per child. This high cost forces most families to reuse textbooks for each child which means, erasing, white outing or even using a separate paper to write on. But if by some small mistake that child accidentally writes in a textbook, the teacher (mom) and principal (dad) lose their minds because that book costed them $50! Have no fear for with this curriculum there is not only no cost but no textbooks. This missionary mother gathered resources from the internet to teach her own children. She decided to share what she used with her own children with us. It's a ministry to homeschool families. There are endless games, videos, books and printables for an entire 171 day school year and it takes the children only a couple hours to finish their school day. 
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Yes there are printables but most of us own computers and have access printer. But you may ask between buying paper and ink it's got to add up. Since starting this curriculum I've only had to change my ink once at about $40 for black ink paper twice at $3. Which is with three different kids working on Easy Peasy. We will possibly spend $100 this school year with three kids not too bad at all compared to the thousands we could spend.
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Easy Peasy is also focused on teaching the kids to do all of the work on their own. My kids ages 3, 4 and 6 are working on levels, getting ready one, getting ready two and second grade. They still require a lot of my help but I have a friend who teaches her older children at home using the Easy Peasy curriculum and her 10 year old is now doing the work on his own. 

As for record keeping I keep all of my children's printable work including their projects in a binder with name and grade. I also keep a notebook full of other things they're required to write.

I personally love this curriculum because there is little to no planning and there is such a large variety of learning. Since it's on the computer I feel it's high tech and moving along with the future of our society. Whether you are just beginning to homeschool or are to the end of your school year consider Easy Peasy you will find yourself and your children enjoying school a little more and possibly saving your family thousands!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Life for any human being can be dysfunctional, busy, insane and sometimes an epic failure. As a mom I we are more likely to experience these failures, because quite frankly the failure is not of our own. The downfall of these failures effect those who rely and count on us for everything. 

As a mom I experience my own failure daily. I want to be everything to my children, husband, friends, and family. For example, I want to be a fit, spiritual, kind, patient, loving, understanding, giving, perfect mother. But every day I fail, whether I eat something that I fully know is horrid for me. Perhaps I don't spend time with my Lord or Heaven forbid my home is completely atrocious. There is something that always gives. Despite myself I do not and will not give up on my goals of becoming a better mom. But I do keep in mind that I am human and sometimes I will disappoint and that's okay.

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Contrary to my belief, my husband's belief and if I'm lucky my children's belief I am not nor will I ever be Wonder Woman. She is a simple alien fictional character. I can not help but consider the fact that if all of us as human beings would be just a little more human and transparent there would be a general understanding that there is no one close to becoming the fictional woman above. But in our shallow society we honestly believe that we are to achieve the great feat of perfection. We see television, movies, books and magazines that tell us excellence is the norm. Well, It's not, every one of us lacks somewhere or feels inadequate. Honesty among women when it comes to flawed life is a difficult task. We are constantly trying to outdo another. Instead of competing let's show some unity. When a mom, friend or family member is obviously having a hard time in life; please don't condemn them or show them how much superior you are to them and there problems. But continuously show them you care and understand. Share your experiences and downfall. As women we can unite and become stronger than ever but we must stop the comparisons and prestige. Exchange perfection with failure.

Recall that today you can do just what needs to be done in your household. Share your failures with others. Become understanding of other moms and women. Because sincerely will we get it all done? Will we become Wonder Woman? No, but remember to ask for help and remember you're not a fictional alien!