Thursday, May 5, 2016


Spring has finally sprung here in the midwest! Winter is rough and always seems extremely long, especially when you don't have to leave the house. I am a homeschooling stay at home mom, we don't leave the house in the winter unless it is necessary. The warmer weather brings an improved attitude for our family. In exchange for monotony and forced heat there is plenty of sunshine and fresh air.
I am constantly reminded that not only do I need the air and sunshine but so do my kids. They need to be outdoors.

 Most of us have learned at one time or another that sunshine has several health benefits.
1. Vitamin D (strong bones) 
2. Release of Serotonin (enhanced mood/fights depression) 
3. Prevents cancer (limited exposure) 
4. Treats many skin issues. (like eczema)
 Sunlight gives us more benefits than I had realized according to Heath Line.
Just remember not to overexpose your family because that is how skin cancer begins, or so we're told. ;-)

The kids are using muscles that have not been easy to use during the winter months. I try to keep them active as much as possible. We do have our YMCA days for our homeschool group as I informed you about in a previous post Homeschool "Group". But when we are stuck indoors our physical activities are limited. They naturally run and move about but I will have some structured kids yoga from YouTube Cosmic Kids Yoga and the kids enjoy it. The younger two lose interest faster but it is a perfect little yoga program for 4 and older. But I know they are not gaining the muscle strength from home as they would being outdoors exploring and climbing.

Sometimes we all just need a little break of unstructured play both young and old. The kids and I can run and be loud which are things that just can not be experienced indoors. Freedom if you will, freedom to play without much limitations. This is another reason why we need the outdoors, to be free! 

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